Dracula – An Escape Room by Fox in a Box

Fox in a Box, where we previously tested our wits trying to figure out Tesla’s Mystery, has dived into the horror genre with their newest escape room, Dracula: The Final Hour.

The Premise

I am a member of a team of vampire hunters and, before we retire, we have one last vampire to defeat – the most notorious vampire in history: Dracula. Summoned to Dracula’s Castle, we find that he’s not alone, but guarded by four companions. Can we thwart his guardians, find the medallion that will weaken him, and then kill him before the sun sets and he makes a feast out of us?

The Living

The best thing about Dracula: The Final Hour is the theme and design of the room. We begin by walking up a stony pathway lined with stained-glass windows and dim lanterns; we arrive at the front door to Dracula’s Castle and our race against the sun commences. The sets inside Dracula’s lair are all fabricated to add to the narrative. Nothing is out of place; from skeleton keys to various levers, all props appear to be rooted in the 17th and 18th centuries.

What I really enjoyed were the puzzles that required teamwork. With the team split up between locations, we relied on each other to provide answers to the given clues – communication is essential. There is not a ton to do in this room, but the puzzles and secret compartments make linear sense and the technology adds to the mysticism of a vampire’s lair. Some of the final puzzles are delightfully physical and come straight out of a ‘50s horror movie.

The Undead

A couple technologies used within the room proved problematic during our visit. One vital prop fell into a crevice and was unusable. The game was paused and we were given a second version of the prop to use so we could move forward. Another inclusion that should help communication between teammates was likely faulty or turned down too low, leaving us to shout clues and answers to each other. In a third instance, we were sure we had the puzzle correct, but the technology didn’t work until we moved one of the pieces the incorrect way. With these few things fixed, Dracula: The Final Hour could be a smooth and straightforward escape room.

The puzzles in Dracula: The Final Hour are generally pretty simple and good for beginners, but one requires a pretty big leap of logic that we ended up needing help with. Some clues, on the other hand, were unnecessary as there was only one possible option, which ended up being random anyway. The clues are clever and fun to figure out, but some are just not required in the long run.

The Takeaway

Overall, the main issues that took my team and me out of the narrative were unfortunate technical hiccups. But there is a lot to love about Dracula: The Final Hour – the production design, props, working technology, creative team-based puzzles, and creepy décor. It is also important to note that at least one member of the team should have full mobility to crouch through a small space. Dracula: The Final Hour is a great room for beginners and for those looking to solve puzzles in a slightly spooky atmosphere.

Book your own trip to Dracula’s Castle HERE, and check out some other worthy escape rooms – including Vampire at Maze Rooms – around Los Angeles and beyond.

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