The Ebb and Flow
Like any hobby, a good deal of money is poured into the furthering of it. If you collect something, you spend more and more on pieces of your collection you’re still missing. If yer a sports guy, it’s about spending cash on new equipment like shoulder pads, water skis, bungee chords. I’m a gamer. And I’m a critic. So I occasionally get the freebie here and there, but for the most part, I’ve got to pay to feed my habit (and my website). Which puts me in an interesting position.
Big page hits ceom from ripping on a bad game. Plus, they’re the most fun to write. But if I’m gonna spend my own moolah, I want my money’s worth. I’ve got it rough. Sigh…
Lego Batman? Brothers in Arms? Iron Chef… not likely. Guitar Hero World Tour? Rock Band 2? Dead Space?