Thompson Charges Teen with Harrassment

Anti-gaming arse and recently ousted lawyer Jack Thompson filed charges against a high schooler in Texas according to GameSpot. Thompson alleges that the teen threatened the lawyer with torture and finally death by “shooting”

Though the article doesn’t specify how the teen threatened the lawyer, we assume it was by telephone as Thompson claims to have a recording. It has been confirmed that the teen was indeed taken into custody and if convicted, could be fined up to 4 grand and spend up to a year in prison on misdimeanor charges.

Though the allegations may be true, we can see right through Wacko Jack-o as he is clearly using the situation to strengthen his stance on ant-gaming laws by mailing en-masse to dozens of media outlets and oddly, speaking about himself in the third person:

“The specifics of the torture with which Thompson was threatened are so grotesque that they cannot be properly placed in this news release. The torture was to end with the shooting of Thompson, as in this teen’s favorite games.”

Now try telling me he isn’t smiling from ear to ear with this. The cops aren’t immediately buying it fortunately. A representative for the sheriff’s office spoke on how seriously they would take Thompson’s claim stating,

“The threshold for accepting charges or declining them is whether or not the complainant was in fear for his life, not whether or not the complainant had the ability to carry it out. But just making threats would be an offense in itself.”

Hey Jack, how bout staying OUT of the news for a while. Take a week or two, enjoy the Florida sun. Go to Disneyworld and leave the gamers alone.

Christopher Kirkman

Christopher is an old school nerd: designer, animator, code monkey, writer, gamer and Star Wars geek. As owner and Editor-In-Chief of Media Geeks, he takes playing games and watching movies very seriously. You know, in between naps.

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