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9 Responses
[…] Won’t Someone Think of the Children? | A Los Angeles-area teenager takes to the streets for PlayStation Network, in a photo taken “just minutes” before service was brought back online in North America (Photo: Christopher Kirkman | Media Geeks) […]
[…] Won't Someone Think of the Children? | A Los Angeles-area teenager takes to the streets for PlayStation Network, in a photo taken "just minutes" before service was brought back online in North America (Photo: Christopher Kirkman | Media Geeks) […]
[…] Won’t Someone Think of the Children? | A Los Angeles-area teenager takes to the streets for PlayStation Network, in a photo taken “just minutes” before service was brought back online in North America (Photo: Christopher Kirkman | Media Geeks) […]
Is he really stupid enough to think that honking will actually get Sony to get the PSN back sooner? Or that they give a shit what one nerd on the street is doing? Idiot.
And the fact that it came back after he did this probably makes him think he made a difference.
No Chris, this is an activist trying to draw attention to a problem Sony would like swept away. Nobody is dumb enough to think that a car horn will magically bring back the PSN network, but apparently there are people out there dumb enough to think it so. (finger points at you).
Hey Chris, its photos like this, that get published on blogs and get shown to millions of people that bring attention to growing problems. Its things like this that get multi billion dollar corporations to make some changes.
Are you really stupid enough to think he believes honking will make a difference? Of course it won’t. Do you really think your moronic comment is gonna pull people to your side?
Why you gotta hate?
Well, I WAS gonna come on and defend the kid, but it looks like I got beat to the punch.
I’ll just add that asking people to honk wasn’t going to make any more difference then those that were honking, but they were honking nonetheless. I was one of em.
When will Sony learn???? Nerds named Chris will jump all over them at the slightest provocation!!