Cruise on Nick

There has to be some kind of joke in here about the teenage audience, scientology and/or his fiance’s age, but according to current taping information, Tom Cruise will be hosting TEENick on Nickelodeon. The taping is scheduled for April 5 in San Pedro and only ages 13-17 will have the chance to sit in with the audience.

It’s likely Cruise will be there to hype Mission: Impossible 3, but one can’t help to wonder whether producers have asked the mega-star to refrain from cartwheels or are encouraging him. I’d lay odds on him mentioning L. Ron Hubbard.

Christopher Kirkman

Christopher is an old school nerd: designer, animator, code monkey, writer, gamer and Star Wars geek. As owner and Editor-In-Chief of Media Geeks, he takes playing games and watching movies very seriously. You know, in between naps.

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