Moore goes for the gold

Michael Moore, documentarian and outspoken political leech told the Associated Press in a phone interview that he just plain wasn’t satisfied with a best documentary Oscar, he wanted the top prize for his latest Bush-bashing flic, Farenheit 9/11.

“For me the real Oscar would be Bush’s defeat on Nov. 2,” the filmmaker said from New York during a phone interview. Moore’s controversial topics of choice have often enraged politicians and public alike, most recently being booed on his visit to the Republican National Convention. Moore believe submitting Farenheit for Best Picture instead of Best Documentary will open the film up to new venues and raise awareness, however, many feel that his documentaries are more political sattire and smear campaign-like then factual accounts and certainly not entertainment.

This writer’s opinion? The truth should always be sought and revealed to the public, despite how damaging it could be, but Moore seems to be looking for fame, rather than justice.

Christopher Kirkman

Christopher is an old school nerd: designer, animator, code monkey, writer, gamer and Star Wars geek. As owner and Editor-In-Chief of Media Geeks, he takes playing games and watching movies very seriously. You know, in between naps.

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