HardOCP Strikes Back
Now infamous is the article posted by HardOCP about Infinium Labs, it’s product, the Phantom video game console, and it’s CEO, Tim Roberts.
HardOCP reported straight, hard facts that were known at the time of the article. It goes without saying that the article did not portray the company or it’s founder in a good light. Regardless, the article was straightforward and un-opinionated. Shortly after, HardOCP was slapped by cease and decist letters from Infinium Lab lawyers threatening legal action if the ‘slanderous’ article was not retracted. Despite numerous offers to IL to correct any incorrect statements, HardOCP is still being threatened.
HardOCP is fighting back today, with a suit of their own based on “Declaratory Judgment Act”. It basically forces a decision as to whether or not the gaming site was telling the truth and if they have the right to report it. It should reveal plainly what Infinium Labs’ intentions are and could bring their credibility out into the open.
An article and interview with Kyle Bennett, HardOCP’s owner and operator, reveals Kyle to be very confident and strong willed in his effort to fight back against the company. If this is seen through and Kyle is victorius, this could set a precedent to sites that have been charged similary over the years by numerous other ‘big corporations’.