Ninja Scroll – PSP
Ninja Scroll is heralded as one of the best anime films of all time.
Violent, graphic and full of intense action sequences that have
inspired dozens of live action and other animation directors. For
anyone with a stomach for a bit of gore and a hint of sex, I can easily
recommend Ninja Scroll.]
Clearly targeting their core audience, Manga has release Ninja Scroll
onto the PSP’s UMD format so gamers can take the action with them. The
movie looks spectacular on the tiny screen and retains most of the
intensity viewing it on a TV would serve.
The only complaint I had was a lack of features. The film on UMD is
sold only as-is with an English re-dub. Die hard anime fans will be
screaming for the original Japanese soundtrack and English subtitles.
The DVD version, although light on features itself, features these
language options, as well as additional character art and movie
A few extras would have been nice, for fans that want to carry around a
ninja fix in a small package, the Ninja Scroll UMD is a good choice.