Hard OCP has Major Win Over Infinium Labs
The story of the little website that could. Infinium Labs, the company behind the aptly named Phantom console filed a slander and libel lawsuit against HardOCP, a little hardware review page, for posting public record and factual data on IL and the suspicious past of it’s CEO, Tim Roberts. HardOCP made multiple attempts at ammends by offering to change any errors in their articles, but refused to pull them down. IL decided instead to bully the semi-popular site with big-money threats and legal mumbo jumbo.
HardOCP held it’s ground and gained fame and fandom from gamers and net dwellers alike. Today, it seems the sun shines for them as the courts begin to find the truth in their stories.
A knockoff site created specifically to track the legal progress of the suit posted the details and transcripts from the hearing today, but as of this writing, Whereisphantom.com has been put out of service temporarily by massive traffic. Torgo, the site’s operator, mentioned on Slashdot a revelation of paper trails, defaulted loans, and 4 employees who quit yesterday for various reasons. He promises the site will be back up and have more details. We look forward to it and send kudos to HardOCP on their tenacity and perserveranve in stickin it to these money-grubbing jokers!